सभी सत्यान्वेषकों को सादर प्रणाम। कुछ सज्जन कहते हैं कि IDOLS, STATUES और DEITIES में भेद है। और कहते हैं कि - We Hindus don't worship Idols and Statues. So, there can't be any Praan Pratishtha of an Idol. अर्थात हम सभी हिन्दु IDOLS और STATUES की पूजा नहीं करते हैं क्योंकि IDOL में प्राण की प्रतिष्ठा नहीं हो सकती और कुछ सज्जन कहते हैं कि जब मूर्ति में मन्त्रों के द्वारा प्राण प्रतिष्ठा कर दिया जाता है तो वह देवता बन जाता है और उसके बाद उसकी पूजा की जाती है। अस्तु आईये हम सभी मिलकर परमात्मा के द्वारा दी हुई बुद्धि से इस विषय में विचार करने का प्रयास करते हैं। सबसे पहले IDOL का English dictionary में क्या अर्थ दिया हुआ है इसको प्रस्तुत करता हूँ।
1. An image or other material object representing a deity to which religious worship is addressed.
2. Bible - an image of a- deity other than God. b - the deity itself.
इसकी संभावना हो सकती है कि-idols और मूर्ति में भेद हों। परन्तु सबसे बड़ी बात यह है कि हम सभी प्राण प्रतिष्ठित मूर्ति को पूजते हैं क्योकि प्राण प्रतिष्ठित मूर्ति देवता कहलाता है। " मातृ देवो भव, पितृ देवो भव, आचार्य देवो भव, अतिथि देवो भव, (तैत्तिरीयोपनिषद, शिक्षाध्याय - 11) ये त्रिंशति त्रयस्परो देवासो (ऋग्वेद - 8/28/1) , यस्य त्रयस्त्रिंशत् देवा निधिं रक्षन्ति सर्वदा (अथर्व वेद -10/ 7/ 23) " इन वैदिक ग्रंथों में माता देवता है, पिता देवता है, आचार्य देवता है, अतिथि देवता है, और 33 देवता हैं –
8- वसु (पृथिवी, जल, अग्नि, वायु, आकाश, सूर्य, चन्द्र नक्षत्र)
11 रूद्र (प्राण , अपान, व्यान, उदान, समान, नाग, कूर्म, कृकल , देवदत्त , धनंजय और जीवात्मा );
12 आदित्य अर्थात मास - (चैत्र , वैशाख , ज्येष्ठ , आषाढ़ , श्रावण , भाद्रपद , आश्विन , कार्तिक , अग्रहण (मार्गशीर्ष), माघ, फाल्गुन)
1 इन्द्र (विद्युत Electricity) और
1 प्रजापति (यज्ञ)
कुल मिलाकर 33 देवता (deities) हैं। इनमें से 32 जड़ देवता है और एक जीवात्मा चेतन देवता है। और इसके अलावा 34th परमात्मा सबका उपास्य देव है। हमने पहली बार जाना है कि - जब मूर्ति में मन्त्रों के द्वारा प्राण प्रतिष्ठा कर दिया जाता है तो वह मूर्ति देवता हो जाता है।
जो इस प्रकार कहते हैं उनसे निवेदन है कृपया आप हमें वेद (ऋग्वेद , यजुर्वेद, साम वेद, अथर्व वेद), वेदांग (शिक्षा, कल्प, व्याकरण, निरुक्त, छंद, और ज्योतिष - जिसमें अंक गणित, बीज गणित , भूगोल , खगोल , और भूगर्भ विद्या है), उपांग (योग, सांख्य, न्याय, वैशेषिक, वेदांत, और पूर्व मीमांसा) ग्रंथों से बतलाने की कृपा करें कि कहाँ लिखा हुआ है कि - " मूर्ति में प्राण प्रतिष्ठा करने के बाद वह देवता बन जाता है और वह प्राण प्रतिष्ठा से पहले देवता नहीं होता। केवल कह देने मात्र से बात की सिद्धि नहीं होती है। "लक्षण प्रमाणाभ्याम् वस्तु सद्धि न तु प्रतिज्ञा मात्रेण" लक्षण और प्रमाण के द्वारा वस्तु की सिद्धि की जाती है, केवल कह दिया इससे वस्तु की सिद्धि नहीं होती। इसीलिए प्रमाण दीजिये और तर्क की कसौटी पर कसिए।
सबसे पहले बतलाने की कृपा करें कि - प्राण किसे कहते हैं? प्राण उसका नाम है जिससे व्यक्ति का जीवन चलता है, जिसके होने से आत्मा सुख दुःख की अनुभूति करता है,जिसके होने से स्वांस लेता है और छोड़ता है, जिसके होने से प्राणी के शरीर की वृद्धि होती है, जिसके होने से प्राणी चलता है, जिसके होने से व्यक्ति बातचीत करता है। श्रीमान जी! जब पूजनीय पंडित जी मूर्ति में प्राण प्रतिष्ठा करते हैं मन्त्रों के द्वारा तब क्या मूर्ति बोलने लग जाता है? क्या प्राणी की तरह मूर्ति भी स्वांस लेता है और छोड़ता है? क्या उसके शरीर की वृद्धि और ह्रास भी होती है? क्या मूर्ति एक दूसरे से वार्तालाप भी करता है? कोई भी लक्षण आपके द्वारा प्राण प्रतिष्ठित मूर्ति में नहीं घटा है, न घटा था और न भविष्य में घटेगा। और वेदों का प्रमाण आप दे नहीं सकते, हाँ केवल मात्र बोल सकते हैं और यदि आप परेशान हो जाएंगे, खीझ जाएंगे तो तो हमें गाली भी दे सकते हैं, मार भी सकते है परन्तु सही उत्तर नहीं दे सकते।
निरुक्त में महर्षि यास्क लिखते हैं कि - देवो दानाद्वा, दीपनाद्वा, द्योतनाद्वा, द्युस्थानो भवतीति वा। यो देवः सा देवता। जो विद्यादि शुभ गुणों का दान देता है और ईमानदारी पूर्वक कमाए हुए धनों में से दशांश धन समाज की उन्नति के देता है उसको देवता कहते हैं, जो सत्योपदेश का प्रकाश करता है उसे देवता कहते हैं, जो सब मूर्तिमान द्रव्यों का प्रकाश करता है उसे देवता कहते हैं इसीलिए सूर्यादि लोकों का नाम देवता है। माता, पिता, आचार्य, और अतिथि पालन करते हैं, विद्यादि शुभ गुणों का दान देते हैं, सत्योपदेश करते हैं इसीलिए ये सभी माता पितादि देवता हैं। और इन सभी देवों का देव महादेव परम पिता परमेश्वर सबका उपास्य देव हैं। क्या उपरोक्त देवता का लक्षण प्राण प्रतिष्ठित मूर्ति में घटता है?
और यदि प्राण प्रतिष्ठा वास्तव में संभव है, तो क्यों नहीं मृत शरीर के अंदर प्राण प्रतिष्ठा कर दी जाती? क्यों नहीं मृत को पुनर्जीवित किया जाता?
हिन्दु भाईयों एवं बहनों जागो, परमात्मा की वेद वाणी रूपी छत्र छया में आकर अपना और मनुष्य जाति का उद्धार करो, दम्भ को भूल जाओ और संगच्छध्वं का पाठ पढ़ कर एक सत्य पथ का पथिक बन जाओ इसी कामना के साथ.
Namaste/Obeisance to all truth seekers! There are some who state that there is a difference between Statues, Idol, and Deities. These firmly resolve that they do not worship idols and statues. While other say that by Praan Pratishtaa literary meaning infusing life a statue becomes Devta and then they worship.
Let’s explore this statement etymologically, truthfully, logically, scientifically and practically. Not all Hindus worship Jad/insentient icons, idols, and statues. There is no scientific and practical evidence that an idol whether made up of stone, metal, or a wooden idol can be made live by so called Praan Pratishtaa – infusing life? How life can be infused in an insentient object? No one has yet infused life in a dead body whether it may be of a person, or an animal, or a bird or a fish. Nevertheless, some are those who insist that by Mantras the Moorty can have Praan Pratishthaa infuse life and a statue becomes Devta then it is worshiped.
Let us think intelligently and all jointly attempt to examine. First of all let us look at the meaning of Idol per English Dictionary. Oxford English dictionary defines Idol as, ‘1. Animage or other material object representing a deity to which religious worship is addressed, 2. Bible- an image of a - deity other than God. b - The deity itself. It is possible that there may be some differences in thinking regarding Idol and Moorty. But according to dictum or doctrine Moorty is worshipped only after Praan Pratishthaa – invocation of life by the blessing of God, when it becomes Devta.
Let us explore the definition of Devta. By the use of God’s given intelligentsia we seek definition of ‘Devta’ etymologically according to Shaastraas. Taittiriyoupnishad,Shikshadhyaay 11 says: Matri devo bhav, Pritri devo bhav, Acharya Devo bhav, Athithi devo bhav; Rigveda 8/28/1 states: Ye trishati trispro devaaso; this is further echoed by Atharvaveda 10/27/23 which emphasizes Yasya triyastrimshat deva nidhi rakshayanti sarvadaa. These all Granthas teach us mother is Devata, father is Devata, Acharya isDevata, Atithi is Devata. If anyone wants to read further the scripture, ‘Shatpath Brahman’, fourteenth chapter says, ‘There are Thirty Three Devtas.’ These are:
A. Eight Vasu – by which one Vasta Hai, or lives, or sustained, or abode of all lives, or the basis of all creatures existence. The Eight Vasus are 1) earth, 2) water, 3) fire, 4) air, 5) ether/super - terrestrial space, 6) Up Grih - moon, 7) the heated cosmic bodies - the Sun, 8) Stars.
B. Eleven Rudras or vital processes. The word Rudra is derived from the root ‘ru’ which means to weep or cry. Upon cessation of these Rudras or vital forces, the Praan or a person ceases to exist or deceased and people cry or weep. Of these Eleven Rudras ten are associated with Praan or Vital Life Force. Eleventh is Jiva – Atma or Life Energy.
Praan or Vital Life Force is of two types,
1. Gross Praan is also addressed as Praan and
2. Finer Praan or Up-Praan.
These are further divided into five categories. Gross Praan works mainly on system or organ of body, where as Finer Praan works at tissue or cellular level maintaining diffusion, infusion, ionic exchange, metabolism or function and thus survival of the tissues.
1. Gross Praan – It is usually addressed simply as Praan. Its main function is exhale or breath out, 2) Apaan – inhale or breath in, 3) Samaan Praan – Heart or circulation power and Upper Gastrointestinal system – digestion function of stomach and upper intestine, pancreas, liver etc., 4) Udaan Praan – neck and head affecting mainly brain’s higher executive functions, consciousness, speech production etc., 5) Vyaan Praan – motive power or energy pervading throughout body.
2. Subtle Praan or Finer Praan affecting the function of system at tissue level: 6) Naag Praan – relating to throat and mouth functioning, for example: complex actions and co-ordinations as in propulsion power such as swallowing, eructation or belching function of lower brain or medulla, 7) Koorm – affecting hind brain and cranial nerves etc., controlling ophthalmic or eyes movements and functions, twinkling etc. 8) Kirkal – probably lower brain and other cranial nerves such as Vagal nerve controlling power of hunger, craving, complex functions such as yawning etc., 9) Devdatt – relating to head, brain and cranial nerves, finer functions such as sleep, sedation etc., 10) Dhananjay - it pervades throughout the body. When soul departs from body then Dhananjay Praan also departs with soul.
11th is Jeevaatmaa – Soul or consciousness/inner sense.
C. Twelve Adityas – from root Ada – to take away. What takes away? It is the time, the life time that dwindles or shrinks month after month so these are addressed as Adityas or twelve months of a year, these are – Chaitra, Vaishaakha, Jyeshtha, Aashaadha, Shraavana, Bhaad›rapad›a, Aashvina, Kaart›ika, Maargashirsha, Pausha, and Phaalguna.Generally, these months correspond to the Gregorian calendar as: March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, January, and February.
One Indra. Indra is the greatest and mightiest. Indra is that natural greatest and mightiest force – the lightening power.
One Yajnya or Prajapati. Benevolence is addressed as Yajnya or Prajapati or the sustainer of the life. It sustains life by purifying atmosphere, producing rain and purifying the intellectuals of the society too. The learned pure hearted and wise scholars who lead society towards progress, peace, prosperity thus sustain life and society.
If there is no social benevolence/Yajnya in society then society is destroyed. The most current classical example is the destruction of citizenry of Iraq and Syria by destructive people whose polluted thinking, ‘to rape, enslave, and kill their own people by inflicting excruciating pain openly amongst the masses of these people, and force them to watch their own family members being raped before their own eyes, grouching their eyes including children, women, and elderly citizens, who have been living in their own home land for thousands of years. May they be Christians, Hindus, Kurds, Sunnis, Shias, Yazidis and Zororastrians. Open butchering and tormenting - heinous crimes are beyond description of a sane and humane writer. All these atrocious and hateful crimes, mass persecution, genocide of innocent people, in their own home land under fundamentalist Sunni Muslims of so called Islamic Caliphate are few of the examples that prevail when there is no Yajnya or Prajapati or in other words when there are no pure hearted learned scholars in the society.
Thus these thirty two Inert Devtas are for the sustenance, progress, peace, and prosperity of all individuals and of course of society. Thirty third Devta is Yajnya or Prajapati.
Thirty Fourth entity, the Greatest of all, Lord of all, Super-conscious, All Creator and Governing, Controlling is Almighty, Omniscient, Omni-pervading, All Divine entity Ishvar or God. Being the Supreme Most Divinity Ishvar or God, or Deva is also addressed as Mahadeva, alone whose worship is due?
This is very well documented and clearly written in the fourteenth chapter of Shatapath and other scriptures bear testimony to it and have similar expressions. If anyone would have looked and read our ancient scriptures with clear mind they would not have gone astray from the righteous path of knowledge and to make such a great blunder as to think, ‘plurality of so called gods and goddesses and worship inert objects as Devtas by installing life or Praan in them/Moorties - a figment of imagination.’
To those who follow this imaginary dictum or doctrine, our request is to read and explore ancient humanity’s heritage eternal and pious scriptures for intellectual, righteous, scientific and logical understandings, such as
1. Four Vedas - Rigved, Yajurved, Samved, and Athravaved;
2. Vedangs – Six in all - Shiskshaa, Kalp, Vyakaran, Nirukt, Chhand, and Jyotish - having mathematics, algebra, geometry, physics, geography, cosmology, geology, meteorology, oceanography, and astronomy.
3. Upaang Shastras – Shad Đarshans or Six Philosophies:
Subject/Matter of Purva Mimansa - Action/Motion,
Subject/Matter of Vaisheshik – Time,
Subject/Matter of Nyaaya – Matter,
Subject/Matter of Yog – Energy,
Subject/Matter of Saankhya - Rarified fields of Saţ, Rajas, Ţam,
Subject/Matter of Uttar Mimansa or Veđaanţ - Efficient Cause of Creation.
Please tell us where in these authentic Granthas/Shaartraas it is mentioned that by installing – Praan or life in these Moorties they become Devtas and before doing so theseMoorties were not Devta? To prove anything, logic principle of Sanskrit Grammar tell us, “Lakshan pramaanabhyaam vastu sidhi na tu pratijnya maatrena,” it means to prove what is needed is a definite goal and a specific and authentic evidence and not a hearsay.
Hence we focus on facts, logic, and realities. Just to explore further and develop insight, let us define what is Praan? Praan is that entity by which life is sustained. By the very presence of Praan a soul feels pain and sorrow, breathing is attained and body flourishes further. By its virtue internal homeostasis is maintained that carries on daily life’s activities smoothly in healthy way. By its very presence person talks, enjoys and recognizes daily interactions and carries all bodily functions. Now for the sake of debate when a so called Pandit or Pujari installs Praan in an inert Moorty does it start talking, breathing, growing, and interacting with other Moorties? Natural law states, ‘Whenever there is beginning there is always an end.’ Per this natural law if Praan is installed then when does Praan leave Moorties?
Not even a single change is noticed when Praan is installed in the Moorty. It has neither happened in past, nor happening now and nor will happen in the future! No authentic respectable citation from Vedas can be provided by those who defend the superstition of having Praan installed in a Moorty. They may abuse us, defame us, and may be ready to fight and kill us. But when Mughals broke the idols of Somnath, Vishvanath and other thousands of temples what happened to their Praan of Moorties, did it part or still had Praan, but neither these Praan Pratishthit Moorties could have defended themselves, nor their blind followers could have prevented, they too were cut in to pieces in front of these idols. One thing is definitely possible that because of frustration and not accepting the realities one may become irate, and may use obnoxious language or gestures or develop hate against the person showing the correct, valid and factual statement. Or they may unnecessarily develop animosity and may use inappropriate worthless arguments but nothing else can be accomplished by these unproductive and unrealistic aberrant thinking.
To develop better useful practical and real understanding let us focus on the correct definition of Devta. Ancient Maharshi Yask, also known as Yaskacharya defines Devta in Sanskrit language as ‘Devo daanaadvaa, deepnaadvaa, dhyotanaadvaa, dyusthaanoa bhavateeti vaa. Yo devah saa devtaa. ’ It means – That who gives or donates adorable great beneficial qualities, who invests righteous earned money in the benevolent use of society such as education etc is Devta. That who gives real knowledge to society and leads society constructively towards progress social cohesion and prosperity, and those who enlightens society with their knowledge is Devta. The Sun that shines and gives life isDevta, Mother, father, Acharya and honorable learned guests or scholar who leads us to grow, these all come under the category of Devtas. The Supreme Deva of all these is worship able Mahadeva or Greatest of great, Lord of all Lords is Ishvar or God. Now can anyone sincerely, and clearly in an uncontaminated pure unbiased thinking summarize these characteristics of Devta in any of the Moorty whether they have Praan Pratishtha or not?
My dear brothers and sisters as Kathopnishad states arise and awake from this darkness or ignorance – lack of true knowledge and march forward to learn true social and spiritual scientific knowledge as given by our fore fathers – Rishis, Munies and Ishvar/God given Vedas and come to realities and really arise from superstitious thinking of PraanPratishtha. Explore and learn what is real Devta and implement these true teachings to improve self, family, society and the nation. Then Hindus will be recognized in the whole wide world and be able to walk with keeping head high, with improved self esteem, self image and self respect. Then the world will respect and follow all Ancient Scriptures of Rishis and God given Knowledge of Vedas.
And if praan-pratishtha is possible in inert (जड़) matter, why don’t we infuse life in dead bodies and make them alive again?
With this intention we are invoking your consciousness to awake and enlighten with the deep seated pure philosophy of Devtas by exploring and reading or Swaadhyaaya of this researched article. This is our intention to write and spend our valuable God given time constructively to educate our Hindu Brothers and sisters.
Hopefully it may be put into productive use to benefit all Hindus to ‘March towards the path of truth and truthful realities to prosper and live peacefully with head high in the world.’
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